Irritable bowel syndrome is caused by an alternation of the nervous system that fails to properly coordinate the periods of contraction and relaxation of the digestive mucous membranes, creating problems or constipation and constipation or diarrhea and urgency to evacuate. Acting on the nervous system is not possible and then the only thing to do is to take a regular lifestyle and pay attention to what you eat. It is true that among the causes of irritable bowel syndrome there are not directly the foods consumed but it is still true that they have a certain correlation with the appearance.
Why keep a food diary
Those who have several episodes of gastrointestinal discomfort over the months, would do well to keep a food diary and mark everything they eat to see if there are some foods that trigger intestinal problems. After doing this job for a couple of weeks, you may be able to find some foods to ban. The food diary is also often recommended by doctors in order to find more precise causes besides stress and mental fatigue. Unfortunately, there are no foods to be avoided that are common to all patients, so a patient work of exclusion and insertion of food is necessary to be able to understand what is the real effect on the intestine and intestinal transit.
What are the foods to avoid
People suffering from this syndrome have indicated that dairy products are risky, both raw milk but also cheeses with a longer seasoning. may not be a problem as the bacteria contained in it have already digested lactose, which is often the cause of digestive problems. Other foods to watch out for are coffee, tea and even spices that seem to produce involuntary bowel movements that can alter normal transit causing constipation or even diarrhea. Jam, sweeteners and some fruits such as fish, pears and plums can also be enemies of the colon. It seems that even vegetables such as cabbage, artichokes, spinach, onion, rocket, cucumber, celery can irritate the intestinal mucosa and have unpleasant consequences.